Multiplying this by X 1
aX + aï Ÿ + a"Z, the terms containing XY, XZ vanish after the
X 2 .
integration, and we need only consider the term ( ^- X 2 , or what is the same —
CLCti QjOL\ yj i 'll)
A =
(u — q) (u — r)) a 2 a
{u + q)(u- r)j aa x (/+ u)J X
X 2 dlS
Y 2
Z 2
f + u g Au h A u
The value of the corresponding function A (that is, the attraction of the exterior
ellipsoid upon P) is
^_ a f X 2 dS
~/AuJ X 2 + F 2 ~ I 2 ’
f A u g A u h A u
the limits being the same, whence
or we have
A -r-A =
(u — q)(u — r)
(u — q)(u — r)
fAu aa-L _ V(u Ag) Y( u + h)
/A ü aa x \J(u + g) \J(u A h) ’
a __VO + ff) Y(uAh)j = V<M Ah) *J(u +/) = V(u +/) V(a A g) f1
\/( u A g) Y( u A h) ’ hj(u + h) *J(u +ÿ*) ’ V('^+/) V( M Y g) ’
formulae which constitute in fact Ivory’s theorem.
Let K, K denote the attractions in the directions of the normals at P, P, we have
K=^ixM K=fxM
ffhj J
K = i AK;
and it is important to remark that this is true not only for the entire ellipsoids;
but if denote the attractions of the cones standing on the portions M, N of
the surface of the interior ellipsoid, and JW, J2, the attractions of the portions of the
exterior ellipsoid bounded by the tangent plane at P, and the portions M, N of the
surface of the exterior ellipsoid, then
where obviously
B = ^B,
K=3-M K = 3Ai№]
this theorem is so far as I am aware new.