Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

being coincident in the two curves, the number of points of intersection is mn — r — s ; 
but the converse of this theorem is not true. 
In a former paper, On the Intersection of Curves, [5], I investigated the number 
of arbitrary constants in the equation of a curve of a given order p subjected to pass 
through the mn points of intersection of two curves of the orders m and n respectively. 
The reasoning there employed is not applicable to the case where the two curves 
intersect in a number of points less than mn. Iu fact, it was assumed that, W = 0 
being the equation of the required curve, W was of the form uU+vV; u, v being 
polynomials of the degrees p - m, p — n respectively. This is, in point of fact, true in 
the case there considered, viz. that in which the two curves intersect in mn points; 
but where the number of points of intersection is less than this, u, v may be assumed 
polynomials of an order higher than p — m, p — n, and yet uU+vV reduce itself to 
the order p. The preceding investigations enable us to resolve the question for every 
possible case. 
Considering then the functions U, V determined as before by the equations (3), (4), 
suppose, in the first place, we have a system of equations 
a = A, /3 = B 0 — H (t equations) (8). 
Assume P = (y — ax — ...) (y — /3# (y — Ox — ...), 
Q =(y-Ax- ...) (y -Bx (y -Hx- ...); 
T = (y-i.x-...) ... (y-KX - ...), 
y =(y-\x-...) ... (y-Kx-...) ; 
whence U = PT, V = QV. 
Suppose T = PT + AT, T = PT + AT, 
PT. U - PT . V= JAY . PT - PT. QV, 
= P'T . P (PT + AT) - PT. Q (E'V + A'P), 
= PT.P¥.(P- Q)+ E'V .P. AT-PT.Q. A'T, 
= P {PT . E'V . (P - Q) + E'V. PAT - PT . Q. A'P}, 
= II suppose. 
In this expression PT, E'V are of the degrees m — t, n — t, AT, AT' of the degree 
- 1, and P, Q, P — Q of the degrees t, t, t- 1 respectively. The terms of II are 
therefore of the degrees m + n — t — 1, m — 1, n — 1 respectively, and the largest of 
these is in general m + n — t — 1. Suppose, however, that m+n — t — 1 is equal to 
rn — 1 (it cannot be inferior to it), then t = n; V becomes equal to unity, or AT 
vanishes. The remaining two terms of II are PT (P — Q), PAT, which are of the 
degrees m- 1, n - 1 respectively. II is still of the degree m — 1, supposing m> n. 
If m = n, the term PAT vanishes. II is still of the degree m — 1. Hence in every 
case the degree of n is m + n — t— 1: assuming always that P — Q does not reduce 
itself to a degree lower than t- 1, (which is always the' case as long as the equations

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