Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

As an exemplification of the preceding formulae, and besides as a question interesting 
in itself, it may be proposed to determine the asymptotic curves of the ?* th order of 
a given curve having all its asymptotic directions distinct,—r being any number less 
than the degree of the equation of the given curve. 
Definition. A curve of the r th order, which intersects a given curve of the 
m th order in a number of points, = mr — (r + 3), is said to be an asymptotic curve 
of the r th order to the curve in question. Suppose, as before, £7=0 being the equation 
to the given curve, 
and let 6, cf>... o) denote any combination of r terms out of the series a.... and O', ^... &/, 
&c. ... the corresponding terms out of a'...A', &c. Then, writing 
V = E 
^ (m—2) \p (m—1) \pim) 
(y-fx ... - 
... [y — wx — Cl'... - 
/7>Wl 3 rrAYl 2 f-yAYL 1 
%Aj xAj tU , 
(where the quantities Cl'... n (m) are entirely determinate, since, by 
what has preceded, O', $'... Cl' satisfy a certain equation, 0", <fi", ... Cl" two equations 
0 im) , <l> (m) , ... Cl {m) (m — 1) equations), we have F=0 for the required equation of the 
asymptotic curve. It is obvious that the whole number of asymptotic curves of the 
order r, is n (n — 1) ... (w - r + 1), viz. 1 .2 ... r curves for each combination of 
n {n — 1) ... (n — r + 1) 
asymptotes. Some particular instances of asymptotic curves will 
1.2... r 
be found in a memoir by M. Plücker, Liouvilles Journal, vol. I. [1836, pp. 229—252], 
Enumeration des courbes du quatrième ordre, &c. The general theory does not seem to 
be one to which much attention has been paid.

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