Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

and substituting these values, the determinant divides by 
1, Jc , Jc 2 , 
1, Jc', Jc' 2 
1, Jc", Jc" 2 
the quotient being composed of the constant term G, and terms multiplied by Jc, Jc', Jc" ; 
writing, therefore, Jc = Jc' = Jc" = 0, we have 0=0 for the condition that there may be 
inscribed in the conic U = 0 an infinity of triangles circumscribed about the conic 
V = 0 ; G is of course the coefficient of f 2 in A]f, i.e. in the square root of the 
discriminant of %U + V; and since precisely the same reasoning applies to a polygon 
of any number of sides,— 
Theorem. The condition that there may be inscribed in the conic U = 0 an 
infinity of w-gons circumscribed about the conic V = 0, is that the coefficient of | n_1 in 
the development in ascending powers of £ of the square root of the discriminant of 
f U + V vanishes. [This and the theorem p. 90 are erroneous, see post, 116]. 
It is perhaps worth noticing that n = 2, i. e. the case where the polygon degene 
rates into two coincident chords, is a case of exception. This is easily explained. 
In particular, the condition that there may be in the conic 1 
ax 2 4- by 2 + cz 2 = 0 
an infinity of n-gons circumscribed about the conic 
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 0, 
is that the coefficient of f 1 ' 1 in the development in ascending powers of £ of 
vanishes ; 
V(l + af)(l +&f)(l + cf) 
or, developing each factor, the coefficient of £ w_1 in 
(1 + 1 a ç _ a 2 ^ 2 + T V a 3 f - & a 4 f 4 + &c.) (1 + £ &! - &c.) (1 + * c£ - &c.) 
Thus, for a triangle this condition is 
a 2 + b 2 + c 2 - Zbc - 2oa - 2ab = 0 ; 
for a quadrangle it is 
a 3 jp c 3 _ _ ]f c — ca 2 _ c 2 a — ah 2 — a 2 b + 2abc = 0, 
which may also be written 
(b + c - a) (c + a — b) (a + b — c) = 0; 
and similarly for a pentagon, &c. 
1 I have in order to present this result in the simplest form, purposely used a notation different from 
that of the note above referred to, the quantities a*+ *■ + «* and , 2 + 2/ 2 + * 2 being, m fact, interchanged. 
C. II.

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