where the mark * may be considered as indicative of the absolute generality of the
quantic ; any such quantic may of course be considered as the sum of a series of
terms afy^...x' a 'y'^'..., &c. of the proper degrees in the different sets respectively, each
term multiplied by a coefficient ; these coefficients may be mere numerical multiples
of single letters or elements such as a, b, c,..., or else functions (in general rational
and integral functions) of such elements ; this explains the meaning of the expression
the elements of a quantic : in the case where the coefficients are mere numerical
multiples of the elements, we may in general speak indifferently of the elements, or
of the coefficients. I have said that the coefficients may be numerical multiples of
single letters or elements such as a, b, c,by the appropriate numerical coefficient
of a term x a y^...x a 'y^'..., I mean the coefficient of this term in the expansion of
m m
(x + y...) (x' + y'...)...);
and I represent by the notation
(a, b,...Jx, y,...\x\ y',
a quantic in which each term is multiplied as well by its appropriate numerical coeffi
cient as by the literal coefficient or element which belongs to it in the set (a, b,...) of
literal coefficients or elements. On the other hand, I represent by the notation
(a, b,..7$oc, y,..\x', y',
a quantic in which each term is multiplied only by the literal coefficient or element
which belongs to it in the set (a, b,...) of literal coefficients or elements. And a like
distinction applies to the case where the coefficients are functions of the elements
(a, b,...).
6. I consider now the quantic
m m'
(*&»> 2/.-K y'>•■■)•••)>
and selecting any two facients of the same set, e.g. the facients x, y, I remark that
there is always an operation upon the elements, tantamount as regards the quantic
to the operation xd y ; viz. if we differentiate with respect to each element, multiply
by proper functions of the elements and add, we obtain the same result as by differ
entiating with d y and multiplying by x. The simplest example will show this as
well as a formal proof ; for instance, as regards 3a« 2 4- bxy + bey 2 (the numerical
coefficients are taken haphazard), we have ^bd a + lOcd b tantamount to xd y ; as regards
a(x- ay) (x — /3y), we have — a (a + /3) d a + a 2 d a + /3 2 dp tantamount to xd y , and so in any
other case. I represent by {xd y } the operation upon the elements tantamount to xd y ,
and I write down the series of operations
[xdy] — xd y , ... [x'dy] — xdy-, ...
where x, y are considered as being successively replaced by every permutation of two
different facients of the set (x, y,...) ; x', y as successively replaced by every permutation
of two different facients of the set (sc, y,...), and so on; this I call an entire system, and