12. I return to the expression
APB q G r ...U 1 U 2 ...,
and I suppose that after the differentiations the sets (x lt y 1} ...), (x 2 , y 2 , ...), &c. are
replaced by the original set (x, y,...). To show that the result is a covariant, we must
prove that it is reduced to zero by an operation IB =
[xdy\ — xd y .
It is easy to see that the change of the sets (x u y u ...), (x 2 , y 2 , ...), &c. into the original
set (x, y,...) may be deferred until after the operation B, provided that xd y is replaced
by x 1 d Vi + x£ Vi + ..., or if we please by Sxd y \ we must therefore write B = {xd y } - Sxd y .
Now in the equation
A . B — B. A — A (B) — B (A),
where, as before, A (B) denotes the result of the operation A performed upon B as
operand, and similarly B {A) the result of the operation B performed upon A as
operand, we see first that A (B) is a determinant two of the lines of which are
identical, it is therefore equal to zero; and next, since B does not involve any
differentiations affecting A, that B(A) is also equal to zero. Hence A.B-B.A=0
or A and B are convertible. But in like manner B is convertible with B, G, &c.,
and consequently B is convertible with APB q C r .... Now Bff,^... = 0; hence
'm.APB*C'...u 1 u 2 ... = o,
or A p B q C r ... U 1 U 2 ... is a covariant, the proposition which was to be proved.
13. I pass to a theorem which leads to another method of finding the covariants
of a quantic. For this purpose I consider the quantic
m hi'
(*&», y •••$< y'--■)•••)>
the coefficients of which are mere numerical multiples of the elements (a, b, c, ...); and
in connexion with this quantic I consider the linear functions tjx + rjy..., £V + yy'...,
which treating (£, 77, ...), (£', y,...), &c. as coefficients, may be represented in the form
(£, v, y, •••)> (f, v', •••$>', y'> •••).•••
we may from the quantic (which for convenience I call U) form an operative quantic
m m'
(*$& V, --iz, y, ..•)•••)
(I call this quantic ©), the coefficients of which are mere numerical multiples of
d a , 0 C , ..., and which is such that
®U={£, y,...) ]»(r, V, y',-))" 1 '--
i.e. a product of powers of the linear functions. And it is to be remarked that as
regards the quantic ® and its covariants or other derivatives, the symbols d a , 0&, d c , ...
are to be considered as elements with respect to which we may differentiate, &c.