Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

The quantic © gives rise to the symbols {£9,}, &c. analogous to the symbols {xd y }, &c. 
formed from the quantic U. Suppose now that d> is any quantic containing as well 
the coefficients as all or any of the sets of ©. Then {xd y } being a linear function of 
a, 6, c, ... the variables to which the differentiations in <f> relate, we have 
d>. [xd y \ = d> {xdy} + d> ({a#*}); 
again, being a linear function of the differentiations with respect to the variables 
9«, 9ft, 9 C , ... in we have 
№} . d> + {1/9*} (<£>); 
these equations serve to show the meaning of the notations and {r?9f} (d>), and 
there exists between these symbols the singular equation 
*(Hr})=fo9f} m 
14. The general demonstration of this equation presents no real difficulty, but to 
avoid the necessity of fixing upon a notation to distinguish the coefficients of the 
different terms and for the sake of simplicity, I shall merely exhibit by an example 
the principle of such general demonstration. Consider the quantic 
U = ax? + 3bx 2 y + 3 cy 2 + dy 3 , 
this gives 0 = g 3 d a + ^yd b + £y 2 d c + r/ s d d ; 
or if, for greater clearness, d a , d b , d c , d d are represented by a, /3, y, 8, then 
© = a| s + /3^ 2 q + 7 %rf + Srf, 
and we have {xd y } = 369« + 2cd b + dd c , 
and {r?9|} = Sadp + 2/3d y 4- 79 5 . 
Now considering $ as a function of 9«, d b , 9 C , d d , or, what is the same thing, of 
a, /3, 7, S, we may write 
<f> ({xd y }) = <I> (36a + 2c¡3 + dy); 
and if in the expression of <f> we write a + 9«, /3 4-9&, 7 + 9„, S + d d for a, /3, y, 8 (where 
only the symbols 9«, 9*, 9 C , d d are to be considered as affecting a, b, c, d as contained 
in the operand 36a 4- 2c/3 4- dy), and reject the first term (or term independent of 
99ft, 9 C , d d in the expansion) we have the required value of ({¿cS^)}. This value is 
(9 a d> 9« 4- 9^ d b 4- 9 y 9 C ) (36a + 2c/3 4- dy); 
performing the differentiations 9«, 9&, d c , d d , the value is 
(3a9j3 4- 2/39 v + yds) c l ) , 
i.e. we have {{xd y }) — |r;9f} (d>).

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