the number of which is |/3 2 (/3 2 — 1). The real number of syzygies between the com
posite integrals X 4 , X 3 X', &c. (i.e. of the syzygies arising out of the ¡3. 2 syzygies
between X 2 , XX', &c.), is therefore \ ol 2 (a 4 + l)/3 2 — -|/3 2 (/3 2 — 1), and the number of
integrals of the degree 4, arising out of the integrals and syzygies of the degrees
1 and 2 respectively, is therefore
24 a i ( a i +1) ( a i + 2) (a x + 3) — ^ (a 4 + 1) /3 2 +1 ¡3. 2 (¡3 2 — 1);
or writing — a 2 instead of ¡3 2 , the number in question is
■24 a i(®i + l)( a i + 2)(a! + 3) + ^ ^(«i + 1) a 2 + ^ a 2 (a 2 + 1).
The integrals of the degrees 1 and 3 give rise to oqa 3 integrals of the degree 4; and if
all the composite integrals obtained as above were asyzygetic, we should have
X 4 - ®i( a i + l)(«i + 2)(a! + 3)-i «!(<*, + l)a 2 - i 3f 2 (a 2 + 1) -
i. e. a 4 as the number of irreducible integrals of the degree 4; but if there exist any
further syzygies between the composite integrals, then a 4 will be the number of the
irreducible integrals of the degree 4 less the number of such further syzygies, and the
like reasoning is in all cases applicable.
27. It may be remarked, that for any given partial differential equation, or system
of such equations, there will be always a finite number v such that given v independent
integrals every other integral is a function (in general an irrational function only
expressible as the root of an equation) of the v independent integrals; and if to these
integrals we join a single other integral not a rational function of the v integrals, it is
easy to see that every other integral will be a rational function of the v + 1 integrals;
but every such other integral will not in general be a rational and integral function of
the v + 1 integrals; and [incorrect] there is not in general any finite number whatever
of integrals, such that every other integral is a rational and integral function of these
integrals, i.e. the number of irreducible integrals is in general infinite; and it would seem
that this is in fact the case in the theory of covariants.
28. In the case of the covariants, or the invariants of a binary quantic, A n is given
(this will appear in the sequel) as the coefficient of x n in the development, in ascending
powers of x, of a rational fraction , where fx is of the form
(1 — #)^ x (l — ic 2 )^ 2 ...(l — aXf k ,
and the degree of <f>x is less than that of fx. We have therefore
and consequently
1 -f A-2X + A 2 x 2 +
cf>x = ( 1 -xf 1 ~ ai (l-x 2 f i ~ a \..(l-x k Ÿ k ~ ak 0 -X k + l )~ ah+l ....