and we see at once that for each term of the covariant we must have
ma + (m — 2) /3..(m — 2)0' — md +j — i — 0,
i.e. if {x, y) are considered as being of the weights respectively, and (a, b,...b\ a)
as being of the weights — \m, —\m-\-1, ... \m—l, \m respectively, then the weight
of each term of the covariant is zero.
But if {x, y) are considered as being of the weights 1, 0 respectively, and {a, b,...b\ d)
as being of the weights 0, — 1, m respectively, then writing the equation under
the form
m(a + /3...+ 0 + d) +j + i — 2(f3 +...+ m — 10 + md + i) = 0,
and supposing that the covariant is of the order ¡x and of the degree 6, each term of
the covariant will be of the weight ^ {md + 0).
I shall in the sequel consider the weight as reckoned in the last-mentioned manner.
It is convenient to remark, that as regards any function of the coefficients of the degree
0 and of the weight q, we have
X. Y- Y.X = md-2q.
30. Consider now a covariant
(A, yf
of the order y and of the degree 6; the co variant is reduced to zero by each of the
operations X — yd x , Y — xd y , and we are thus led to the systems of equations
XA = 0,
XB = yA,
XC = {/x-I)B,
XB'= 2(7,
YA = B,
YB = 2 C,
7(7= {fx-l)B\
YB= yA\
YA'= 0.
Conversely if these equations are satisfied the function will be a covariant.
I assume that A is a function of the degree 6 and of the weight £ {md — 0), satisfying
the condition
XA =0;