Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

and we see at once that for each term of the covariant we must have 
ma + (m — 2) /3..(m — 2)0' — md +j — i — 0, 
i.e. if {x, y) are considered as being of the weights respectively, and (a, b,...b\ a) 
as being of the weights — \m, —\m-\-1, ... \m—l, \m respectively, then the weight 
of each term of the covariant is zero. 
But if {x, y) are considered as being of the weights 1, 0 respectively, and {a, b,...b\ d) 
as being of the weights 0, — 1, m respectively, then writing the equation under 
the form 
m(a + /3...+ 0 + d) +j + i — 2(f3 +...+ m — 10 + md + i) = 0, 
and supposing that the covariant is of the order ¡x and of the degree 6, each term of 
the covariant will be of the weight ^ {md + 0). 
I shall in the sequel consider the weight as reckoned in the last-mentioned manner. 
It is convenient to remark, that as regards any function of the coefficients of the degree 
0 and of the weight q, we have 
X. Y- Y.X = md-2q. 
30. Consider now a covariant 
(A, yf 
of the order y and of the degree 6; the co variant is reduced to zero by each of the 
operations X — yd x , Y — xd y , and we are thus led to the systems of equations 
XA = 0, 
XB = yA, 
XC = {/x-I)B, 
XB'= 2(7, 
YA = B, 
YB = 2 C, 
7(7= {fx-l)B\ 
YB= yA\ 
YA'= 0. 
Conversely if these equations are satisfied the function will be a covariant. 
I assume that A is a function of the degree 6 and of the weight £ {md — 0), satisfying 
the condition 
XA =0;

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