Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

On the subject of the preceding paper may be consulted the following memoirs by 
Raabe, “ Ueber die Summation periodischer Reihen,” Crelle, t. xv. [1836], pp. 355—364, 
and ,£ Ueber die Summation harmonisch periodischer Reihen,” t. ххш. [1842], pp. 105— 
125, and t. xxy. [1843], pp. 160—168. The integrals he considers, are taken between 
the limits 0, oo (instead of — oo, oo). His results are consequently more general than 
those given above, but they might be obtained by an analogous method, instead of 
the much more complicated one adopted by him: thus if ф(х + 2тг) = фх, the integral 
г 00 ¿¡ x 
фх — reduces itself to 
Г , dx Г* Г1 , v œ / 1 1 
фх—-ä— = ахфх\-+2, 1 — | 0 - s 
J о # + 2г7г Jo т [x \æ + 2г7г 2г7 
provided I dx(j)x= 0. The summation in this formula may be effected by means of 
J 0 
the function T and its differential coefficient, and we have 
J o « 27tJo i X \ 
which is in effect Raabe’s formula (10), Crelle, t. xxv. p. 166. 
By dividing the integral on the right-hand side of the equation into two others 
whose limits are 0, 7r, and ir, respectively, and writing in the second of these 27t — x 
instead of x, then 
. dx 
фх — = 
or reducing by 
Г' 1- 
/ X 
+ Ф (27Г — х) 
г (1 
ГМ - 
— 7Г COt \х, 
Г 1 
we have 
, dx , 
фх — = А 
r x г 
Г' 1 - 
фх cot \х dx — — I [фх + ф (27г — х)] ' 
27Г J О 
Г 1 - 
which corresponds to Raabe’s formula (10'). If 0 (— x) = — cf)X, so that <jjx + cf) (27r — x) = 0. 
the last formula is simplified ; but then the integral on the first side may be replaced 
r 00 dx 
by j (fix —, so that this belongs to the preceding class of formulae. 
— 00

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