Such covariants are called Combinants, and they possess the property of being inva-
riantive, quoad the system, i. e. the covariant remains unaltered to a factor pres, when
each quantic is replaced by a linear function of all the quantics. This extremely
important theory is due to Mr Sylvester.
Proceeding now to the theory of ternary quadrics and cubics,—
First for a ternary quadric, we have the following tables:—
Covariant and other Tables, Nos. 51 to 56 (a ternary quadric).
No. 51.
The quadric is represented by
(a, b, c, f g, hjoc, y, zf,
which means
ax 3 + by* + cz : + 2 fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy.
No. 52.
The first derived functions (omitting the factor 2) are—
(a, h, gjx, y, z),
(h, b, f\x, y, z),
(9> f c^x, y, z).
No. 53.
The operators which reduce a covariant to zero are
( h, b, 2f#d g , d f , d c ) — zd y ,
(-g, f, c "$d a , d h , d g )-xd z ,
( 2h, g Jd h , d b> d f )-yd x ,
( g> % G ]$ h , d b , dj) — yd z ,
( a, h, 2gjdg, d f , d c ) - zd x ,
(2 h, b, fjd a , d h , dg)-xd y .
No. 54.
a> d b , d c ,
The evector is
9/, 9g, d h \%, 7], £)-.