Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

Such covariants are called Combinants, and they possess the property of being inva- 
riantive, quoad the system, i. e. the covariant remains unaltered to a factor pres, when 
each quantic is replaced by a linear function of all the quantics. This extremely 
important theory is due to Mr Sylvester. 
Proceeding now to the theory of ternary quadrics and cubics,— 
First for a ternary quadric, we have the following tables:— 
Covariant and other Tables, Nos. 51 to 56 (a ternary quadric). 
No. 51. 
The quadric is represented by 
(a, b, c, f g, hjoc, y, zf, 
which means 
ax 3 + by* + cz : + 2 fyz + 2gzx + 2hxy. 
No. 52. 
The first derived functions (omitting the factor 2) are— 
(a, h, gjx, y, z), 
(h, b, f\x, y, z), 
(9> f c^x, y, z). 
No. 53. 
The operators which reduce a covariant to zero are 
( h, b, 2f#d g , d f , d c ) — zd y , 
(-g, f, c "$d a , d h , d g )-xd z , 
( 2h, g Jd h , d b> d f )-yd x , 
( g> % G ]$ h , d b , dj) — yd z , 
( a, h, 2gjdg, d f , d c ) - zd x , 
(2 h, b, fjd a , d h , dg)-xd y . 
No. 54. 
a> d b , d c , 
The evector is 
9/, 9g, d h \%, 7], £)-.

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