Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

whence replacing q, p by their values, the required equation is 
(1 - /x 2 ) 2 (x 2 + y 2 - l) 2 (/x 2 O 2 + if) - l) 2 
+ 2 {p 2 (x 2 -4- y 2 ) - 2yu 2 + 1) (2/x 2 {pc 2 + y 2 ) - p 2 - 1) (/x 2 O 2 +y 2 ) - 2 + /x 2 ) ¿c 2 - 27/xU 4 = 0, 
which is the equation of an orthogonal trajectory of the refracted rays. 
In the case of reflexion, p = — 1, and the equation becomes 
4 {x 2 + y 2 — l) 3 — 27 x 2 = 0. 
Comparing this with the equation of the caustic, it is easy to see, 
Theorem. In the case of parallel rays and a reflecting circle, there is a secondary 
caustic which is a curve similar to and double the magnitude of the caustic, the 
position of the two curves differing by a right angle. 
The entire system of the orthogonal trajectories of the refracted rays might in 
like manner be determined by finding the envelope of the circle (where, as before, 
a, /5 are variable parameters connected by the equation a 2 + /3 2 = 1 ), 
p 2 {{x — ot) 2 + (y — f3) 2 } — (a + m) 2 = 0. 
{The result, as far as I have worked it out, is as follows, viz.— 
(3 — 12 [m 2 + 2nip 2 x + /x 4 (x 2 + y 2 )~\ + [1 — 2p 2 + 2m 2 — 2p 2 (x 2 + y 2 )] 2 ) 3 
— ([1 — 2p 2 + 2m 2 — 2p 2 (x 2 + y 2 )\ [9 + 18;n 2 + 36mp 2 x + 18/x 4 (x 2 + y 2 )] 
— 54 [to 2 + 2mp 2 x + p 4, {x 2 — y 2 )] — [1 — 2p 2 + 2to 2 — 2p 2 (x 2 + y 2 )] 3 ) 2 = 0, 
which, it is easy to see, is an equation of the order 8 only. Added Sept. 12.—A. C.}

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