[From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. cxlvii. for
the year 1857, pp. 489—499. Received December 18, 1856,—Read January 8, 1857.]
There are contained in a work, which is not, I think, so generally known as it
deserves to be, the “ Algebra ” of Meyer Hirsch [the work referred to is entitled
Sammlung von Beispielen Formeln und Aufgaben aus der Buchstabenrechnung und
Algebra, 8vo. Berlin, 1804 (8 ed. 1858), English translation by Ross, 8vo. London,
1827] some very useful tables of the symmetric functions up to the tenth degree
of the roots of an equation of any order. It seems desirable to join to these a set of
tables, giving reciprocally the expressions of the powers and products of the coefficients
in terms of the symmetric functions of the roots. The present memoir contains the
two sets of tables, viz. the new tables distinguished by the letter (a), and the tables
of Meyer Hirsch distinguished by the letter (b); the memoir contains also some
remarks as to the mode of calculation of the new tables, and also as to a peculiar
symmetry of the numbers in the tables of each set, a symmetry which, so far as I
am aware, has not hitherto been observed, and the existence of which appears to
constitute an important theorem in the subject. The theorem in question might, I
think, be deduced from a very elegant formula of M. Borchardt (referred to in the
sequel), which gives the generating function of any symmetric function of the roots,
and contains potentially a method for the calculation of the Tables (6), but which,
from the example I have given, would not appear to be a very convenient one for
actual calculation.
Suppose in general
(1, b, odf = (1 — ax) (1 — ¡3x) (1 — yœ) ...,
so that
— b = 2a, + c = 2a/3, — d = Xafiy, &c.,
and if in general
C. II.
(pqr...) = Xa p /3 q y r ...,