which is equal to
a' 3 xfxgxg + &c.,
the symmetric functions x?xgx£, &c. being given by the formulae a 2 = x?x£x£, &c. The
expression for the Resultant is in each case of the right degree, viz. of the degrees
6, 3, 2, in the coefficients of the linear, the quadric, and the cubic equations respec
tively: the two expressions, therefore, can only differ by a numerical factor, which
might be determined without difficulty. The third expression for the resultant, viz.
(a, /3, 7$»i, y u #i) • (a, ¡3, y$>s, y», **)•••(«> & 7$®«» 2/e. *«)>
(where (a?!, ^),... (x 6) y 6 , z 6 ) are the roots of the cubic and quadratic equations)
compared with the foregoing value, leads to expressions for the fundamental symmetric
functions of the cubic and quadratic equations, and thence to expressions for the other
symmetric functions of these two equations; but it would be difficult to obtain the
actually developed values even of the fundamental symmetric functions. I hope to
return to the subject, and consider in a general point of view the question of the
formation of the expressions for the other symmetric functions by means of the ex
pressions for the fundamental symmetric functions.