e as of the spinode-
be also a stationary
3 ; the node-with-node-
3-couple-develope twice
ne on such duplicate
The tacnode-plane is
a point of intersection
at a consecutive point
ie-with-node-plane ; the
point has therefore a
ition is a node-couple-
le-curve. Consequently
and thence also the
can have a stationary
the curve of contact
dy a stationary plane
that the node-couple-
: except in the points
touch at the tacnodes,
e-planes are stationary
are stationary planes
iched at the tacnodes
lanes of the flecnode-
[From the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. vn. (1852), pp. 171—173.]
A surface of the n th order is a surface which is met by an indeterminate line
in n points. It follows immediately that a surface of the n th order is met by an
indeterminate plane in a curve of the w th order.
Consider a skew surface or the surface generated by a singly infinite series of
lines, and let the surface be of the w th order. Any plane through a generating line
meets the surface in the line itself and in a curve of the (n — l) th order. The
generating line meets this curve in (n — 1) points. Of these points one, viz. that
adjacent to the intersection of the plane with the consecutive generating line, is a
unique point; the other (n — 2) points form a system. Each of the (n — 1) points
are sub modo points of contact of the plane with the surface, but the proper point
of contact is the unique point adjacent to the intersection of the plane with the
consecutive generating line. Thus every plane through a generating line is an ordinary
tangent plane, the point of contact being a point on the generating line. It is not
necessary for the present purpose, but I may stop for a moment to refer to the
known theorems that the anharmonic ratio of any four tangent planes through the
same generating line is equal to the anharmonic ratio of their points of contact, and
that the locus of the normals to the surface along a generating line is a hyperbolic
paraboloid. Returning to the (n — 2) points in which, together with the point of
contact, a generating line meets the curve of intersection of the surface and a plane
through the generating line, these are fixed points independent of the particular plane,
and are the points in which the generating line is intersected by other generating
lines. There is therefore on the surface a double curve intersected in (n — 2) points
by each generating line of the surface—a property which, though insufficient to
determine the order of this double curve, shows that the order cannot be less than
(n - 2). (Thus for n — 4, the above reasoning shows that the double-curve must be
c. II. 5