Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

y, this 
8. But in like manner the equation 
(tr. il$E — x, H — y, Z - z) = — (tr. T][E, H, Z) 
and we then obtain 
(tr. 0 + T£E, H, Z) = (tr. il][x, y, z), 
(tr.il-T£E, H, Z) = (tr. iTftx,, y„ z,). 
9. In fact these equations give 
(tr. 2il#E, H, Z) = (tr. il][x + x /} y + y /} z + z), 
2(E, H, Z) = (x + x / , y + y„ z + z)-, 
and conversely, this equation, combined with either of the two equations, gives the other 
of them. We have then 
and thence 
(x , y , z) = ((tr.il) Htr.il + TftE, H, Z), 
(E, H, Z) = ((tr. O^T)" 1 tr. il$x„ y„ z), 
(x, y, z) = ((tr. il)“ 1 (tr. il + T)(tr. il - T)-»tr. il$x /} y„ z 7 ). 
10. Hence, recapitulating, we have the following theorem for the automorphic linear 
transformation of the bipartite 
(ii£®, y, y> z )> 
viz. T being an arbitrary matrix, if 
(®, V, z) = (n~'(Cl-T)(il + T)-^ilfe, y„ z), 
(x, y, z) = ((tr. il)“ 1 (tr. il + T)(tr. il — T) -1 tr. il$ X/ , y„ z), 
(il][a;, y, z#x, y, z) = (il$>„ y„ zftx,, y„ z), 
which is the theorem in question. 
11. I have thought it worth while to preserve the foregoing investigation, but 
the most simple demonstration is the verification a 'posteriori by the actual substitution 
of the transformed values of (x, y, z), (x, y, z). To effect this, recollecting that in general 
tr. (A -1 ) = (tr. Z.) -1 and tr. ABGD = tr. D. tr. G. tr. B. tr.il, the transposed matrix of 
substitution for the further variables is 
iltil-rr^il + T) il- 1 ; 
and compounding this with the matrix il of the bipartite, and the matrix 
il" 1 (il - T)(il + T)" 1 il 

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