Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

treatment of the theory of the invariants or covariants of any given degree whatever, 
although the application of it becomes difficult when the degree exceeds 4. I remark, 
in regard to this method, that it leads naturally, and in the first instance, to a special 
class of the covariants of a system of quantics, viz. these covariants are linear functions 
of the derived functions of any quantic of the system. (It is hardly necessary to remark 
that the derived functions referred to are the derived functions of any order of the 
quantic with regard to the facients.) Such covariants may be termed tantipartite 
covariants; but when there are only two quantics, I use in general the term lineo-linear. 
The tantipartite covariants, while the system remains general, are a special class of 
covariants, but by particularizing the system we obtain all the covariants of the par 
ticularized system. The ordinary case is when all the quantics of the system reduce 
themselves to one and the same quantic, and the method then gives all the covariants 
of such single quantic. And while the order of the quantic remains indefinite, the 
method gives covariants (not invariants); but by particularizing the order of the quantic 
in such manner that the derived functions become simply the coefficients of the quantic, 
the covariants become invariants: the like applies of course to a system of two or more 
69. To take the simplest example, in seeking for the covariants of a single quantic 
U, we in fact have to consider two quantics U, V. An expression such as 12 UV is a 
lineo-linear covariant of the two quantics; its developed expression is 
d x II . d y V — dyU. d x V, 
which is the Jacobian. In the particular case of two linear functions (a, b^x, y) and 
{a', b'\x, y), the lineo-linear covariant becomes the lineo-linear invariant ab' — a'b, which 
is the Jacobian of the two linear functions. 
In the example we cannot descend from the two quantics U, V to the single quantic 
U (for putting V = U the covariant vanishes); but this is merely accidental, as appears 
by considering a different lineo-linear covariant 12 2 f7F, the developed expression of 
which is 
d x *U . d y *V— 2d x d y U . d x d y V + 0 y *U. d x 2 V. 
In the particular case of two quadrics (a, b, c^x, yf, (a', b' } c'^x, y) 2 , the lineo-linear 
covariant becomes the lineo-linear invariant 
ac' —2 bb' + ca'. 
If we have F = U, then the lineo-linear covariant gives the quadricovariant 
d m 'U .dy'TJ-WyUy 
of the single quantic U (such quadricovariant is in fact the Hessian); and if in the last- 
mentioned formula we put for U the quadric (a, b, c]£, x, yf, or what is the same thing, 
if in the expression of the lineo-linear invariant ac' - 2bb' + ca', we put the two quadrics 
equal to each other, we have the quadrinvariant 
ac — b 2 
of the single quadric.

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