Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

86. There is another family of covariants which remains to be noticed. Consider 
any two quantics of the same order, 
(a, b, ...\x, y) m , 
{a, b\ ...Jx, y) m , 
and join to these a quantic of the next inferior order, 
(u, v,...\y, —x) m ~ 1 , 
where the coefficients (u, v, ...) are considered as indeterminate, and which may be 
spoken of as the adjoint quantic. 
Take the odd lineo-linear covariants (viz. those which arise from the odd émanants) 
of the two quantics ; the term arising from the (2i + l)th émanants is of the form 
(A, B,....\x, y) 2 «™- 1 - 2 *, 
where {A, B,...) are lineo-linear functions of the coefficients of the two quantics. 
Take also the quadriGOvariants of the adjoint quantic ; the term arising from the 
(2i — m)th émanant is of the form 
(U, V, y)»(«-*-*>, 
where (U, V,...) are quadric functions of the indeterminate coefficients (u, v,...). We 
may then form the quadrinvariant of the two quantics of the order 2 (m — 1 — 2i) : 
this will be an invariant of the two quantics and the adjoint quantic, lineo-linear in 
the coefficients of the two quantics and of the degree 2 in regard to the coefficients 
{u, v,...) of the adjoint quantic; or treating the last-mentioned coefficients as facients, 
the result is a lineo-linear m-ary quadric of the form 
(&, 23, 
viz. in this expression the coefficients 23, ... are lineo linear functions of the co 
efficients of the two quantics. And giving to i the different admissible values, viz. 
from i = 0 to i — \vn — 1 or ^ (m — 1) — 1, according as m is even or odd, the number 
of the functions obtained by the preceding process is fyn or ^ (m — 1), according as 
m is even or odd. The functions in question, the theory of which is altogether due 
to Professor Sylvester, are termed by him Gobezoutiants ; we may therefore say that 
a cobezoutiant is an invariant of two quantics of the same order m, and of an adjoint 
quantic of the next preceding order m — 1, viz. treating the coefficients of the adjoint 
quantic as the facients of the cobezoutiant, the cobezoutiant is an m-ary quadric, the 
coefficients of which are lineo-linear functions of the coefficients of the two quantics, 
and the number of the cobezoutiants is \m or \ {m — 1 ), according as m is even or 
87. If the two quantics are the differential coefficients, or first derived functions 
(with respect to the facients) of a single quantic 
(a, y) m ,

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