Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

97. The Jacobian (7) may also be written in the form 
y\ - yx, x* 
a, b , c 
a', b' , c' 
The Resultant (6) may be written in the form 
a , 2 b, 
a', 2b', 
and also, taken negatively, in the form 
4 (ab' — a'b) (be' — b'c) — (ad — a'c) 2 , 
which is the discriminant of the Jacobian; and in the form 
4 (ac — b 2 ) (ad — b' 2 ) — (ad — 2 bb' + ca') 2 , 
which is the discriminant of the Intermediate. 
98. We have the following relations: 
(a, b, cjb'x + dy, - a'x - b'y) 2 = - (a'd - b' 2 ) (a, b, c $#, y) 2 
+ (ad — 2bb' + ca) (a', b', c'Qx, y) 2 , 
(a', b', c' ][bx + cy, - ax- by) 2 = + (ad - 2 bb' + ca') (a , b , c \x, yf 
-(ac-b 2 ) (a', b', c'\x, y) 2 , 
and moreover 
(ac — b 2 , ac' — 2bb' + ca', a'c' — b' 2 ][U', — U) 2 
= — {(ab' — a'b, ad — a'c, bd — b'c\x, y) 2 ) 2 , 
an equation, the interpretation of which will be considered in the sequel. 
99. The most important relations which may exist between the two quadrics are: 
First, when the connective vanishes, or 
ac' — 2 bb' + ca' = 0, 
in which case the two quadrics are said to be harmonically related: the nature of 
this relation will be further considered.

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