Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

The only obviously integrable case is that for which in the second formula q = 1; 
this gives 
f _ 2 Tr^ n fj 
J (x 2 +?/ {(x - af + {y- by + u 2 }^- 1 ~ r (in) (l 2 + u 2 f n ~ l (l 2 + e)*”“ 1 ' 
In the case of u = 0, we have, as before, when p 2 —f 2 and l 2 — fy are of opposite 
signs, e = 0, and therefore 1 + e = 1 ; but when p 2 —f 2 and l 2 — f 2 are of the same 
sign, the value before found for e gives 
1 +«={*■/.*+(p* -/.*) №■ -/.*))• 
Consider the image of the origin with respect to the sphere (x - a a ) 2 + (y - bj) 2 ... —f 2 , 
the coordinates of this image are 
and consequently, if p be the distance of this image from the point (a, b ...), we have 
=¿f W + ipt-fÔW-M; 
whence, by a simple reduction, 
or the values of the integral are 
P* ~fi and li—fy opposite signs, I = ^ - 7 —-¡r- 
J ° r(^w) l n ~ 2 {l 2 ~f 2 )’ 
p 2 —fi 2 and ly-fi 2 the same sign, I = ^ .. , 
J J 5 ’ T Qn) k n ~ 2 g n ~ 2 (l 2 ~f 2 )’ 
where p is the distance from the point (a, b...) of the image of the origin with respect 
to the sphere (x — a^ 2 + ... —fy = 0. 
1 + e: 
l ±PL 
Pf 2 ' 
Stone Buildings, August 6, 1850.

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