Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

Mr Salmon has also performed the laborious calculation of Hermites’ 18-thic 
invariant of a binary quintic, and has kindly permitted me to publish the result, which 
is given in the following Table : 
No. 29 a. 
[This is the Table W No. 29 A given pp. 299—303, the form being slightly 
altered as appears p. 282.] 
Mr Salmon has also remarked to me, that in the Table No. 50 of the cubin- 
variant of a binary dodecadic 1 , the coefficients are altogether erroneous. There was, in 
fact, a fundamental error in the original calculation ; instead of repeating it, I have, 
with a view to the deduction therefrom of the cubinvariant (see Fourth Memoir, 
No. 78), first calculated the dodecadic quadricovariant, the value of which is given in 
the following Table : 
No. 49 A. 
[For this Table see p. 319.] 
It is now very easy to obtain the cubinvariant, which is 
No. 50 bis. 
[This is the Table No. 50, p. 319, the original No. 50 with coefficients which 
were altogether erroneous having been omitted.] 
1 Third Memoir, Philosophical Transactions, t. cxlvi. (1856) p. 635.

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