[From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. xlviii. for the
year 1858, pp. 461—463. Received February 11,—Read March 18, 1858.]
In my “ Memoir on Curves of the Third Order ” (*), I had occasion to consider a
derivative which may be termed the “tangential” of a cubic, viz. the tangent at
the point (x, y, z) of the cubic curve (* \x, y, z) 3 = 0 meets the curve in a point
(£, y, £)> which is the tangential of the first-mentioned point; and I showed that when
the cubic is represented in the canonical form ot? + y 3 + z 3 + Qlxyz = 0, the coordinates of
the tangential may be taken to be x (y 3 — z 3 ) : y (z 3 — x 3 ):z (x s — y 3 ). The method given for
obtaining the tangential may be applied to the general form {a, b, c,f, g, h, i,j, k, Ifx, y, z) 3 :
it seems desirable, in reference to the theory of cubic forms, to give the expression of
the tangential for the general form 2 ; and this is what I propose to do, merely indicating
the steps of the calculation, which was performed for me by Mr Creedy.
The cubic form is
(a, b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k, IJx, y, z) 3 ,
which means
ax? + by 3 + cz 3 + 3fy 2 z + 3gz 2 x + 3 hx-y + 3 iyz 2 + Sjzx 2 + Shxy 2 + Qlxyz;
and the expression for f is obtained from the equation
^ = {b, f i, cf(j, f c, i, g, Ifx, y, z)\ -ih, b, i, f l, kfx, y, z) 2 ) 3
~ («, b, c, f g, h, i, j, k, Ifx, y, z) 3 ((&x + 30),
1 Philosophical Transactions, vol. cxlvii. (1857), [146].
2 At the time when the present paper was written, I was not aware of Mr Salmon’s theorem (Higher
Plane Curves, p. 156), that the tangential of a point of the cubic is the intersection of the tangent of the
cubic with the first or line polar of the point with respect to the Hessian; a theorem, which at the same
time that it affords the easiest mode of calculation, renders the actual calculation of the coordinates of the
tangential less important. Added 7th October, 1858.—A. C.