Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

where the second line is in fact equal to zero, on account of the first factor, which 
vanishes. And Qf, 15 denote respectively quadric and cubic functions of (;y, z), which 
are to be determined so as to make the right-hand side divisible by x 2 ; the resulting 
value of £ may be modified by the adjunction of the evanescent term 
(a^+hy+j£)(a, b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k, IJoc, y, zf, 
where a, h, j are arbitrary coefficients ; but as it is not obvious how these coefficients 
should be determined in order to present the result in the most simple form, I have 
given the result in the form in which it was obtained without the adjunction of any 
such term. 
Write for shortness, 
P = (k,l 1y,z), 
Q = Q>, f Î $y, zf, 
R = (9’ $y. z ) » 
£ = (/> i c Jy, zf, 
B = ( h > j «) » 
C=(k, l, g ffy, zf, 
D = (6, /, i, cfty, zf, 
(h, b, i, f, l, k \x, y, zf = (h, P, Q $>, If, 
(j, f, c, i, g, l Jx, y, zf = (j, R, S $>, l) 2 , 
(a, b, c, f, g, h, i, j, k, Iffx, y, zf-(a, B, C, D$>, l) 3 . 
<Sx + 15 = (©, IB fix, 1), 
and then for greater convenience writing (h, 2P, Qf[x, l) 2 , &c. for (h, P, Qf[x, l) 2 , &c., 
and omitting the (x, If, &c. and the arrow-heads, or representing the functions simply 
by (h, 2P, Q), &c., we have 
x 2 !j = b (j, 2R, S ) 3 
-Sf(j,2R,S f.(h,2P,Q) 
+ 3i{j, 2R, S ) .(h, 2P, Qf 
- c . (h , 2P, Qf 
- (a, SB, SG, D) . (Qf, 15 ), 
which can be developed in terms of the quantities which enter into it. The con 
ditions, in order that the coefficients of x, x° may vanish, are thus seen to be 
1)15 = bS 3 - SfS 2 Q + 3iSQ 2 - cQ 3 , 
DQf - 3(715 = b (6RS 2 ) - 3/(2S 2 P + 4RSQ) + 3» (2RQ 2 + 48PQ) - c (6PQ 2 ), 
and from these we obtain 
bck — 3 
big + 6 
beg + 3 
bil + 6 
cfk — 6 
cfl -6 
fik + 3 
fgi -3 
fH -6 
i 2 k + 6 
m +6

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