206. The line-coordinates (£', y, £') of the axis of inscription are
ax' + hy' + gz, hx + by' + fz, gx + fy' + cz\
and we thence deduce the relation
V. ty = K(a,...W, y’, ¿f.
In order that the form
(a, y, zf (a, y\ z'fcos 2 0 - {(a, y, z\x, y, *)} 2 = 0
may agree with the originally assumed form
(a, y, zf + X(%x + y'y + %'zf,
or what is the same thing,
(a, y, zf + X {(a, ...$#, y, z\x\ y', z)) 2 = 0,
we must have
x = ZL 1
(a, ... ][x', y', z'f cos 2 6 ’
which may also be written
, -K
v, rO’cos^'
or what is the same thing,
K + V, n 2 -^(a...5r. V, H 2 sin 2 0 = 0;
and we thence, by a preceding formula, obtain the line-equation of the inscribed
conic, viz.
207. The point-equation being
y, zf (a, ...$V, y\ /) 2 cos 2 6 - {(a, ...fa, y, z\x\ y', /)} 2 = 0,
(a, ...][x, y, z'f (a,... $V, y, zf sin 2 6 — (j?t,. ..\yz' — y'z, zx' — z'x, xy' — x'yf = 0,
equivalent in virtue of
(»,•••$>, V, zf {a, ...fix', y', z'f- {(a, y, z\x\ y', z'ff
= (8, • ’-\yz - y'z, zx' - zfx, xy' - x'yf;
then the corresponding forms of the line-equation are
№,-№ v , sm-iF. v', cyan's-{(&,...■№, y, f$r. F, r)) s =o.
V, V g'-zt iy-i'yf= 0,
equivalent to each other in virtue of the before mentioned identity
(».-$?, % rm v. o ! -r$r.r» 2
= (a, fV-F’/)“-