Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

101. No. V. of this paper gives a correction of a formula (18) in the paper 8, 
On Lagrange’s Theorem. 
102. I refer to this paper in my “ Note on Riemann’s paper ‘Versuch einer 
allgemeinen Auffassung der Integration und Differentiation,’ Werke, pp. 331—344.” 
Math. Ann. t. xvi. (1880), pp. 81—82, for the sake of pointing out the connexion 
which it has with this paper of Riemann’s (contained, as the Editors remark, in a 
MS. of his student time dated 14 Jan. 1847, and probably never intended for 
publication): the idea is in fact the same, Riemann considered a function of x + h 
expanded in a doubly infinite, necessarily divergent, series of integer or fractional powers 
of h, according to an assigned law: and he thence deduces a theory of fractional 
114. This Memoir on Steiner’s extension of Malfatti’s problem is referred to by 
Clebsch in the paper “ Anwendung der elliptischen Functionen auf ein Problem der 
Geometrie des Raumes,” Crelle, t. mi. (1857), pp. 292—308: it is there shown that my 
fundamental equations, p. 67, are the algebraical integrals of a system of equations 
dy dz n dz dx_ dx dy_ 
VF + y^ _U ’ VZ' + yA' ’ ’ 
the integrals of which become comparable when the quartic functions under the square 
roots differ only by constant factors; and expressing that this is so, he obtains the 
relations which I assumed to exist between the coefficients a, ¡3, 7, 8, «See., under which 
the equations admit of solution by quadratics only. And he is thereby led to reduce 
the problem, not to the foregoing system of fundamental equations, but to other 
equations connecting themselves with the usual form of the Addition-theorem; and 
with a view thereto to develope a new solution of the Problem. 
115, 116. The theory is further developed in my Memoir “On the Porism of the 
in-and-circumscribed Polygon,” Phil. Trans, t. CLL, for 1861. 
C. II. 

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