we thus have
£ + + v + y + ? + ¿7 + <r‘
f+ ? + ?+?'
= a ,
1 + 1' + V + v'
= ß,
? + £
= a P>
£ + v
= ßq,
Ç + V + Ç
= u,
six equations for the determination of the eight quantities f, rj, rj', £", a-', and u.
For the determination of u, it is therefore necessary to find or assume two more
equations: in my solution this is in effect done by giving to f, rj, rj', £ cr' the
values in the fourth column, values which satisfy the six equations, and establish the
two additional relations
l_l f + r_g+r
/ / > , / / }
7] <J 7] + 7] (7
or, as these may be written,
A'BE' ~ A'B'E' ’ A'B ~ A'B’ ’
these then are assumptions implicitly made in my solution; they amount to this, that the
events A, B are treated as independent, first in the case where E does not happen;
secondly in the case where it is not observed whether E does or does not happen.
Boole in his solution introduces what he calls logical probabilities (but what these
mean, I cannot make out): viz. these are Prob. A = x, or say simply A — x; and
similarly, B = y, AE = s, BE = t; then in the case ABE we have A, B, AE, BE, and
the logical probability is taken to be xyst; and we obtain in like manner the other
terms of the third column. And then taking f', rj, rj', g, £', cr' to be proportional
to the terms of the third column, say F£ = xyst, &c. and substituting in the six
equations, we have six equations for the determination of x, y, s, t, V, u, and we thus
arrive at the value of the required probability u.
But the assumed values of £, &c. give further
\ K ¥ r . A BE AB'E ABE' AB'E'
that 1S A'BE ~ A'B'E' and A'BE'~ A'B'E"
which are assumptions made in Boole’s solution. Wilbraham remarks that the second
of these assumed equations, though perfectly arbitrary, is perhaps not unreasonable :
it asserts that in those cases where E does not happen, the relation of independence
exists between A and B, that is, provided E does not happen, A is as likely to
happen whether B happens or does not happen. But that the first of these equations
appears to him not only arbitrary, but eminently anomalous: no one (he thinks) can
contend that it is either deduced from the data of the problem, or that the mind
by the operation of any law of thought recognises it as a necessary or even a reasonable