[From the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. ix. (1854), pp. 163—165.]
The following formula,
^qax 2 +2bxy+cy 2 ^qa'xi+ib'xy+c'y 2 e i(w 2 —l)
is given in Lejeune-Dirichlet’s well-known memoir “ Recherches sur diverses applica
tions &c.” (Crelle, t. xxi. [1840] p. 8). The notation is as follows:—On the left-hand
side (a, b, c), (o', b', c'), ... are a system of properly primitive forms to the negative
determinant D (i.e. a system of positive forms); x, y are positive or negative integers
including zero, such that in the sum Xq axl+2bxy+c y 2 , ax 2 + 2bxy 4- cy 2 is prime to 2D,
and similarly in the other sums; q is indeterminate and the summations extend to
the values first mentioned, of x and y. On the right-hand side we have to consider
the form of D, viz. we have D = PS 2 or else D = 2PS 2 , where S 2 is the greatest
square factor in D and where P is odd: this obviously defines P, and the values
of 8, e, which are always ± 1 (or, as I prefer to express it, are always +) are given
as follows, viz.
D = PS 2 ,
P = 1 (mod 4),
e = + +,
P = 3 (mod 4),
« = -+,
D = 2 PS 2 ,
P = 1 (mod 4),
€ = + -,
D = 2PS 2 ,
P = 3 (mod 4),
e = ,
n, n! are any positive numbers prime to 2D, \^pj is Legendre’s symbol as generalized
by Jacobi, viz. in general if p be a positive or negative prime not a factor of n,