Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

steiner’s extension of malfatti’s problem. 
and from the mode of formation of these equations it is obvious that the separators 
have a line in common. 
The equations of the determinators being x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, the equations of the 
tactors are 
V33^r— V©y = 0, V©# —Va.z = 0, Vay-V<ï3æ = 0 ; 
and if ax + fiy + yz + 8w = 0 be the equation of the tactor touching 
x = 0, V©# — Va.z = 0 and Vay —V23« = 0, 
the conditions of contact are 
= j(Va23 - 3^)0 Va - /3 V33) + 7 (© V33 - V©)j 2 , 
= j(Va© - (K) (« va - 7 v©) + vod - jp va>j 2 , 
(Vaaa - ?§) va« - (Vaaa - 3^) V23/3 + (© vas - jp va) 7 , 
(Va© - ® ) va«+ (3^ v© - j va) /3 - (Va© - ©) 7 , 
c/3 2 4- by 2 — 2f/3<y + — 8 2 = 0, 
and putting for a moment 
fi = va© - © - A va© (Va© - é\ 
v=vas - 3^ - n/2 vaaa (Vaas - 3^); 
after some reductions, and observing that the ratios only of the quantities a, /3, 7, 8 
are material, we obtain 
C. II. 

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