Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

Comparing these with the relations between (x, y, z) and (x 1} y 1} z x ), we see that 
(£> V> y> z ) = (£i> Vii y\, ■S'iX 
and multiplying the first of the relations between two quadrics by an indeterminate 
quantity A, and adding it to the second, we have 
(\a + A, y, zf= (Acq + A x , ..yx u y u zj) 2 . 
We have thus a linear function and a quadric transformed into functions of the same 
form by means of the linear substitutions, and any invariant of the system will remain 
unaltered to a factor pres, such factor being a power of the determinant of sub 
stitution. The invariants are, 1° the discriminant of the quadric; 2° the reciprocant, 
considered not as a contravariant of the quadric, but as an invariant of the system. 
And if we write 
iT = Disc. (\a + A,...^x, y, zf, 
(21, 23, (£, ft, ©, y, £) 2 = Recip. (Aa + A,...Qx, y, z) 2 , 
then K 1} &c. being the analogous expressions for the transformed functions, and the 
determinant of substitution being represented by II, we have 
K, = n *K, 
(*!,-][&, VI, ^ = №(51,...^, v , m 
and substituting for £, y lf £ their values in terms of £, 77, £ the last equation breaks 
up into six equations, and we have 
K x = Id 2 A, 
(2li,.. a', a") 2 = №21, 
<&.-№ /S', /3") (y, y', y") = n 2 3, 
which is the system obtained in a somewhat different manner in my former paper. 
Putting /1 =g x = h x = F x = 6r 2 = H x = 0, and writing also (which is no additional loss of 
generality) a 1 = b 1 = c x = 1, the formulae become 
(a, b, c, f, g, h '§x, y, z)- = (1, 1, 1 '§x 2 , yr, 
(A, B, G, F, G, H\x, y, zf = (A u B 1} C&wf, yi 2 , z x 2 ), 
viz. there are two given quadrics which are to be by the same linear substitution 
transformed, one of them into the form x? + y? + z? and the other into the form 
AlX-? + B^i 2 + C^j 2 , where A lt B x , C x have to be determined. The solution is contained 
in the following system of formulae, viz. 
(A x + A) (i?j 4- X) (G x + A) = IT 2 Disc. (Aa + A,...),

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