= b give
[From the Quarterly Mathematical Journal, vol. i. (1857), pp. 7—10.]
The following theorem is, I assume, known; but the analytical demonstration of
trgument it depends upon a formula in determinants which is not without interest. The theorem
referred to may be thus stated:
“ A triangle and its reciprocal are in perspective; ” where by the reciprocal of a
triangle is meant the triangle the sides of which are the polars of the angles of the
first-mentioned triangle with respect to a conic; and triangles are in perspective when
the three lines forming the corresponding angles meet in a point, or what is the same
thing, when the three points of intersection of the corresponding sides lie in a line.
Let the equation of the conic be
£' 2 -f y 2 + Z 2 = 0,
and take (a, ¡3, y), (a', /3', y), (a", ¡3", y") for the coordinates of the angles of the
triangle, then if K be the determinant, and (A, B, C) (AB', O') (A", B", C") the
inverse system, i.e. if
KA = (J3'y"-/3”y'), KB = y a!' — y"a!, KG = a'¡3" - a"(3’,
KA' = (/3"y — ¡3 y"), KB' = y"a — 7 a”, KG' — a"¡3 — a /3",
KA" = (/3 y — ¡3' 7 ), KB" = 7 o! — y a , KG" = a ¡3' — a' ¡3 ,
equations which may be represented in the notation of matrices by the single equation
a , /3 , 7
-1 =
A, A', A"
J, y
B, B\ B"
a", /3", y"
G, G\ G"