[From the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xiii. (1857), p. 423.]
The following theorem is given in a slightly different form by Brianchon and
Poncelet, Gergonne, vol. xi. [1820], p. 205, viz. Any conic whatever which passes through
the three angles of a triangle and the point of intersection of the perpendiculars let
fall from the angles of the triangle upon the opposite sides is a rectangular hyperbola;
and there is an elegant demonstration depending on the properties of the inscribed
hexagon. The theorem is, however, a particular case of the following: viz. “Any conic
whatever which passes through the four points of intersection of two rectangular
hyperbolas is a rectangular hyperbola.” And this, again, is a particular case of the
following: viz. If there be a conic 12 and a line P, then considering any two conics
U, V such that the points of intersection of P, U are harmonics in respect to the
points of intersection of P, 12, and the points of P, V are also harmonics in respect
to the points of intersection of P, i2, then any conic whatever W which passes through
the four points of intersection of U, V will have the like property, viz. the points
of intersection of P, W will be harmonics in respect of the points of intersection of
P, 12; a theorem which is an immediate consequence of the theorem that three conics
which intersect in the same four points are intersected by any line whatever in six
points which are in involution.
2, Stone Buildings, W.C., April 23, 1857.