Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

equivalent, of course, to two equations. The first and second of them give in fact 
x, y, in terms of z and (f>. 
The value of z is 
so that x and y are given functions, and the longitude v is given in terms of x and 
6 by the equation 
v = x+ d, 
and consequently the three coordinates r, v, y, are by the system of equations given 
in terms of t and the elements. 
From the equations which connect z, x, y, cf>, treating all these quantities as 
variable we deduce 
sec 2 x dx = cos 0 sec 2 zdz — tan z sin cf> d(f>, 
cos y dy = sin </> cos zdz + sin z cos </> cZ</>, 
sec 2 y dy = tan </> cos xdx + sin x sec 0 dcf), 
sin zdz = cos y sin xdx + cos xsin y dy, 
equivalent of course to two equations; and the system is easily reduced to the more 
convenient form 
dx = cos <f> sec 2 y dz — tan z cos 2 x sin d(f>, 
dy = sin </> cos xdz + cos x tan z cos </> d(f>, 
dx = cot cf) sec x sec 2 y dy — tan z cosec <£ d<p, 
dz = cos (f) dx + cos x sin <£ d(j>, 
joining to these equations the 
dz = dtj + df, 
dv = dx + d6, 
and considering at present the mere analytical forms, first if dcf> =0, dt> = 0, we have 
dx = cos 0 sec 2 y dz, 
dy = sin </> cos x dz, 
dz = df, 
dv = dx. 
Next, if dy = 0, dv = 0, we have 
dx — — tan z cosec cf) d<f>, 
dz = — tan z cot <£ dcf), 
dz — cos (j) dx, 
dx — — dd, 
dz + cos cf) dd = 0. 
I remark also that the equation, tan y = sin x tan <f>, may be written in the form 
cos 2 (j) sec 2 y + sin 2 (f) cos 2 x = l. 
C. III. 

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