Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

Consider the orbit as an ellipse, then putting 
а, the mean distance, 
,r . • /k (d/ + K) 
n, the mean motion = a / ——r— , 
V a 3 
e, the excentricity, 
c, the mean anomaly at epoch, 
co, the distance of perigee from node, 
б, the longitude of node, 
i, the inclination, 
d>, the distance from node, 
M*, the reduced distance from node, = L — 6, 
U, the excentric anomaly, 
f the true anomaly, =<!> — <«, 
the elements of the orbit are a, e, c, co, 6, i, and we have from the theory of 
elliptic motion, 
nt + c = TJ —e sin U, 
in 1 
f— tan 
V(1 — e 2 ) sin U 
cos U — e 
/i a (1 — e 2 ) 
r = a (1 — e cos U) = 
' 1 + e cos ; 
Moreover i is the angle at the base of a right-angled spherical triangle, the base, 
perpendicular, and hypothenuse of which are 'i r , A, <1>, hence 
tan ^ = cos i tan <E> , 
sin A = sin i sin O , 
sin ^ = cot i tan A , 
cos = cos A cos 
Considering the elements as constant, we have 
dr _ nae sin f 
dt V(1 — e 2 ) ’ 
df _ no? V(1 — e 2 ) 
dt r 2 
_ no? V(1 — e~) 
dt r 2 
d'P _ cos i no? V(1 — e 2 ) 
dt cos 2 A r 2 
dL _ cos i na? V(1 — e 2 ) 
dt cos 2 A r 2 
no? V(1 - e?)

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