cla = cos i dd,
d© = (1 — cos i) dd.
Moreover v, = <I> + a, which gives (assuming that the differentiations are performed with
respect to t, only in so far as it enters through the variable elements) dv / = d<f> + da
= d<I> + cos i dd, i.e. dv / = 0, an equation which might have been assumed for the purpose
of defining the departure point; the equation, in fact, expresses that the departure
v / is measured from a point not actually fixed, but such that the increment of v / in
the interval of time dt is the angular distance between two consecutive positions of the
We have, as above noticed, da = cos i dd, and thence and from what has preceded
j. na cot dil
dl = V( 1 - e 2 ) ~di ’
na cot i d£l
V(1 — e 2 ) di
Now the position of the moon can be determined by means of the quantities
r, v,, ©, a, i\ hence fi (which has been considered as a function of r, <f>, d, i) may,
if we please, be considered as a function of r, v n ©, a, i and from the differential
dr = dr,
dv, = + cos i dd,
d® = (1 — cos i) dd,
da — da) + cos i dd,
di = di,
dQ . fdCl
— = cos i -j—H —j—
V dv, da /
+ (1 — cos i
d© dff> cos i dd ’