Then, forming the substitution symbol
A'B'C'D'E'... k'l'm'... abode ... IILM...,
if, operating with this upon the symbol system of the first polyhedron, we obtain the
symbol system of the second polyhedron, the second polyhedron is said to be polar -
syntypic with the first; and, as in the case of syntypicism, this may happen in
several different ways.
Lastly, if there be a polyhedron having the same number of vertices and faces,
and if the vertices and faces in any order be represented by
abed... KLMN...,
and the faces and vertices in a certain order be represented by
A BCD ... klmn...;
then, forming the substitution symbol
ABGD ... klmn ... abed ... KLMN...,
if, operating with this upon the symbol system of the polyhedron, we reproduce such
symbol system, i.e. in fact, if the polyhedron be polar-syntypic with itself, the polyhedron
is said to be autopolar; and in accordance with a preceding remark, this may happen
in several different ways. It is clear that the substitution symbol, operating on the
symbol system of the vertices, must give the symbol system of the faces, and
conversely; but operating on the symbol system of the edges, it must reproduce such
symbol system of the edges: and this last condition will by itself suffice to make
the polyhedron autopolar, i.e. the polyhedron will be autopolar if the substitution symbol,
operating on the symbol system of the edges, reproduces such symbol system.