equation may be called the Resolvent-Product Equation. But the recent researches of
Mr Cockle and Mr Harley ( x ) show that the solution of an equation of the fifth order
may be made to depend on an equation of the sixth order, originating indeed in,
and closely connected with, the resolvent-product equation, but of a far more simple
form; this is the auxiliary equation referred to in the title of the present memoir.
The connexion of the two equations, and the considerations which led to the new one,
will be pointed out in the sequel; but I will here state synthetically the construction
of the auxiliary equation. Representing for shortness the roots (x lt x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5 ) of
the given quintic equation by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and putting moreover
12345 = 12 + 23 + 34 + 45 + 51, &c.
(where on the right-hand side 12, 23, &c. stand for x x x 2 , x,x 3) &c.), then the auxiliary
equation, say
№ 1)*=0.
has for its roots
</>! = 12345 - 24135, 0 4 = 21435 - 13245,
0 2 = 13425 — 32145, 0 5 = 31245 - 14325,
0 3 = 14235 - 43125, </>« = 41325 - 12435,
and, it follows therefrom, is of the form
(1, 0, C, 0, E, F, 1)* = 0,
where G, E, G are rational and integral functions of the coefficients of the given
equation, being in fact seminvariants, and F is a mere numerical multiple of the
square root of the discriminant.
The roots of the given quintic equation are each of them rational functions of
the roots of the auxiliary equation, so that the theory of the solution of an equation
of the fifth order appears to be now carried to its extreme limit. We have in fact
0 i08 + 020 4 + </>30 5 = (*$#], 1) 4 >
0102 + 0304 + 0508 = l) 4 ,
0105 + 0203 + 0408 = l) 1 ,
0103 + 0206 + 0305 = (*][#4> l) 4 ,
0104 + 0205 + 0306 = (*fe, l) 4 ,
where (*$#!, I) 4 , &c. are the values, corresponding to the roots x lt &c. of the given
equation, of a given quartic function. And combining these equations respectively with
the quintic equations satisfied by the roots x x , &c. respectively, it follows that, con
versely, the roots x x , x. 2 , &c. are rational functions of the combinations 0i0 fi + 0204 + 0 3 0 5 ,
0i02 + 0304 + 0506> &c. respectively, of the roots of the auxiliary equation.
1 Cockle, “ Researches in the Higher Algebra,” Manchester Memoirs, t. xv. pp. 131—142 (1858).
Harley, “ On the Method of Symmetric Products, and its Application to the Finite Algebraic Solution of
Equations,” Manchester Memoirs, t. xv. pp. 172—219 (1859).
Harley, “ On the Theory of Quintics,” Quart. Math. Journ. t. in. pp. 343—359 (1859).