Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

322. On a Skew Surface of the Third Order . . . . . 90 
Phil. Mag. t. xxiv. (1862), pp. 514—519 
323. On a tactical Theorem relating to the Triads of Fifteen 
Things ........... 95 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 59—61 
324. Note on a Theorem relating to Surfaces . . . . . 98 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 61, 62 
325. Note on a Theorem relating to a Triangle, Line, and, Conic . 100 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 181—183 
326. Theorems relating to the Canonic Roots of a Binary Quantic 
of an odd order ......... 103 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 206—208 
327. On the Stereographic Projection of the Spherical Conic . . 106 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 350—353 
328. On the delineation of a Cubic Scroll . . . . . 110 
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 528—530 
329. Note on the Problem of Pedal Curves . . . . . 113 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvi. (1863), pp. 20, 21 
330. On Differential Equations and Umbilici . . . . . 115 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvi. (1863), pp. 373—379 and 441—452 
331. Analytical Theorem relating to the four Conics inscribed in 
the same Conic and passing through the same three Points 131 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvii. (1864), pp. 42, 43 
332. Analytical Theorem relating to the sections of a Quadric Surface 133 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvii. (1864), pp. 43, 44 
333. Note on the Nodal Curve of the Developable derived from 
the Quartic Equation (a, b, c, d, e][t, 1) 4 = 0 . . . 135 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvii. (1864), pp. 437—440 
334. Note on the Theory of Cubic Surfaces 138 
Phil. Mag. t. xxvii. (1864), pp. 493—496 
C. V. &

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