that P = — B,
z* + 2Bz + G = 0
xy; but if we
1 the curves in
s of the surface
of xy may be
0, which is the
be termed the
quation of the
been assumed
z-P= 0, Q = 0,
general a nodal
latter of them
rms nodal curve
2h are the pro-
lively. There is
: suppose that
mplete envelope
3 cuspidal curve
erived equation
ay the equation
equation. This
in which it is
t the rejection
aper to consider
1 Y are rational
ay the equation
(X — Yf = 0. In the before-mentioned case where the roots are P + Q FD (or
(X — F) 2 = Q 2 D), P, Q, and □ being rational functions of (x, y), the derived equation
O = ~Q 2 {4QP' 2 - (2Q'B + QD') 2 } = 0
divides out by the factor Q-, but it does not divide out by □ ; the reduced form is
4DP' 2 —(2Q'D + QQ') 2 = 0,
which is not satisfied by Q — 0, while it is still satisfied by □ — 0 (since this gives also
□ ' = 0); that is, the nodal curve Q = 0 is not a solution of the differential equation,
but we still have the singular solution □ = 0, which corresponds to the reduced or
proper envelope. In the case Q = KR, □ = V of a cuspidal curve, the above form
of the differential equation becomes
4P V P' 2 - {3KK'R V + IP (2V R' + V 'P)} 2 = 0,
which divides out by K; and, when reduced by the rejection of this factor, it is no
longer satisfied by the equation K = 0, which belongs to the cuspidal curve; that is,
neither the nodal curve R = 0 nor the cuspidal curve K = 0 is a solution of the
differentia] equation, but we still have the singular solution y = 0, which corresponds
to the reduced or proper envelope. It would appear that the conclusion may be
extended to singularities of a higher nature, viz. the factor corresponding to any
singular curve which presents itself as part of the complete envelope divides out from
the derived equation; and such singular curve does not constitute a solution of the
reduced equation, but we have a singular solution corresponding to the reduced or
proper envelope.
Consider the differential equation
y (p 2 — 1) + 2mxp = 0,
where, to fix the ideas, to > or = 1; the integral equation may be taken to be
2 = (mx + VtoV + y 1 )(mx 2 + if + aVm 2 x 2 + y 2 ) m_1 ;
or rather, writing for shortness □ = to 2 # 2 + y\ and putting
z = (mx + VO )(rroc 2 + y 2 + x VD ) m_1 = P + Q VD,
the integral equation is
(z - Pf-Q 2 □ = o, or £ 2 - 2Pz + P 2 - Q 2 D = 0,
P 2 - Q 2 \3 = (to 2 « 2 - □) {(to« 2 + y 2 ) 1 - « 2 D} m ~ 1 = - y im [y 2 + (2to - 1) « 2 } m_1 .
In the particular case to = 1 the equation is
2 = « + V« 2 + y 2 , or z 2 — 2zx — y 2 = 0.