Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

362. Note on Lobatschewsky s Fnagina7 % y Geometry . . . . 471 
Phil. Mag. t. xxix. (1865), pp. 231—233 
363. On the theory of the Evolute . . . . . . . 473 
Phil. Mag. t. xxix. (1865), pp. 344—350 
364. On a Theorem relating to Five Points in a plane . . . 480 
Phil. Mag. t. xxix. (1865), pp. 460—464 
365. On the Intersections of a Pencil of four lines by a Pencil 
of two lines .......... 484 
Phil. Mag. t. xxix. (1865), pp. 501—503 
366. Note on the Projection of the Ellipsoid. .... 487 
Phil. Mag. t. xxx. (1865), pp. 50—52 
367. On a Triangle in-and-circumscribed to a Quartic Curve . 489 
Phil. Mag. t. xxx. (1865), pp. 340—342 
368. On a problem of Geometrical Permutation . . . . 493 
Phil. Mag. t. xxx. (1865), pp. 370—372 
369. On a property of Commutants ...... 495 
Phil. Mag. t. xxx. (1865), pp. 411—413 
370. On the signification of an elementary formula of Solid Geometry 498 
Phil. Mag. t. xxx. (1865), pp. 413, 414 
371. O71 a Formula for the intersections of a Lme and Conic, 
and on an hitegral Formula connected therewith . . 500 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. vn. (1866), pp. 1—6 
372. On the Reciprocation of a Quartic Developable . . . 505 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. vn. (1866), pp. 87—92 
373. On a Special Sextic Developable. . . . . . . 511 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. vn. (1866), pp. 105—113 
374. On the Higher Singularities of a Plane Curve . . . 520 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. vn. (1866), pp. 212—223 

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