Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

13. We may say that, in regard to any point a of the line 1, the corresponding- 
plane A is the plane of approach of the coincident line 1'; and that in regard to the 
same point a and to any plane through it, the trace on that plane of the plane of 
approach is the line of approach of 1'; that is, we may consider that the coincident 
directrix line V meets the plane through a in a consecutive point on the line of 
approach. In particular if the point a be the foot of the directrix line 1 (that is, the 
point where this line meets the plane of the curve m), and the plane through a be 
the plane of the curve in, then the intersection of the last-mentioned plane by the 
plane A which corresponds to the point a is the line of approach, and the foot of 
the coincident directrix line 1' is the consecutive point to a along the line of approach. 
The expression “ the line of approach,” used absolutely, has always the signification 
just explained, viz. it is the intersection of the plane of the curve m by the plane 
corresponding to the foot of the directrix line. 
14. Suppose now that the line 1 meets the curve in, or, more generally, meets 
it a times, that is, in an a-tuple point; it might at first sight appear that the 
coincident line 1' should also be considered as meeting the curve a times, and that 
the resulting scroll should be of the order 2m — a — a = 2m — 2a. But this is not the 
case; so long as the direction of the line of approach is arbitrary, the line 1' must be 
considered as a line indefinitely near to the line 1, but nevertheless as a line not 
meeting the curve at all; and the order of the scroll is thus = 2m — a. If, however, 
the line of approach is the tangent to a branch through the a-tuple point—that is, if 
the plane corresponding to the a-tuple point meet the plane of the curve in such 
tangent, then the coincident line 1' is to be considered as meeting the curve m in 
a consecutive point on such branch, and the order of the scroll is = 2m — a — 1. And 
so if at the multiple point there are A branches having a common tangent, then the 
coincident line 1' is to be considered as meeting the curve m in a consecutive point 
along each of such branches, or say in a consecutive /3-tuple point along the branch, 
and the order of the scroll sinks to 2in —a — /3. The point spoken of as the a-tuple 
point is, it should be observed, more than an a-tuple point with a /3-fold tangent; 
it is really a point of union of an a-tuple point and a /3-tuple point, or say a united 
a (+ /3) tuple point, equivalent to 
ia(a—l) + |/3(/3—1) 
double points or nodes; and the case is precisely analogous to that of the scroll 
$(1, 1, m), where the two directrix lines pass through an a-tuple point and a /3-tuple 
point of the curve m respectively. It may be added that if at the multiple point in 
question, besides the A branches having a common tangent, there are 7 branches having 
a common tangent, then the point is, so to speak, a united a (+ A, + 7) tuple point 
equivalent to | a (a — 1) + \ /3 (A — 1) + ^7 (7 — 1) double points or nodes; but the order 
of the scroll is still = 2m — a — /3. 
15. In the same way as the scrolls 8(1, 1, m) are all included in the case where 
the order of the scroll, instead of being = 2m, is = m, so that the scrolls S(l, 1, m) are 
all included in the case where the order of the scroll, instead of being = 2m, is =m.

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