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3 corresponding-
regard to the
: the plane of
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through a be
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If, however,
nt—that is, if
3urve in such
curve on in
— a — 1. And
;ent, then the
secutive point
y the branch,
,s the a-tuple
fold tangent;
say a united
of the scroll
ind a /3-tuple
tiple point in
inches having
') tuple point
iut the order
e case where
(1, 1, on) are
= 2 to, is = m.
That is, we may suppose that the curve m has a united a (+ /3) tuple point (a + /3 = on),
and may take the directrix line to pass through this point, and the line of approach
to be the common tangent of the /3 branches; and this being so, the order of the
scroll will be 2m — a — /3, = m. It may be added that if the curve on has, besides the
a (+ /3) tuple point, a y-tuple point, then the scroll will have a 7-tuple generating line,
and so for the other multiple points of the curve on.
16. We may, in the same way as for the scroll 8 (1, 1, on), consider the different
sections of the scroll >3(1, 1, on) of the order on. The general section is a curve of the
order 001, having an a(-f/3)tuple point at the intersection with the directrix line, and
a 7-tuple point, &c. corresponding to the multiple generating lines, if any. A section
through the directrix line is in general made up of this line counting a times, and
of /3 generating lines through the point which corresponds to the plane of the section;
if the section pass also through a 7-tuple generating line (7 ;(> /3, in the same way
as for the scroll >3(1, 1, m)), then, of the /3 generating lines, 7 unite together in the
7-tuple generating line. The general section through a 7-tuple generating line breaks
up into this line counting 7 times, and a curve of the order on — 7, which has on
the directrix line an a — 7 (+ /3 — 7) tuple point and a S-tuple point, &c. at its inter
sections with the other multiple generating lines, if any.
Equation of the Scroll >3(1, 1, on) of the order on, Article Nos. 17 and 18.
17. Taking for the equations of the directrix lines (x = 0, y — 0) and (2 = 0, w = 0),
and supposing that these are respectively an a-tuple line and a /3-tuple line on the
scroll a + /3 = on, it is obvious that the equation of the scroll is
(*$#, y) a (z, wf = 0.
In fact starting with this equation, if we consider the section by a plane through the
line («=0, y— 0), say the plane y = \x, then the equation gives
x a ( *][1, X) a (z, ovf = 0 ;
that is, the section is made up of the line (x = 0, y = 0) reckoned a times, and of
/3 other lines in the plane y = \x\ and the like for the section by any plane through
the line (z — 0, w = 0), say the plane z = vou. Hence the assumed equation represents
a scroll of the order on, having the two lines for an a-tuple line and a /3-tuple line
respectively, and conversely such scroll has an equation of the assumed form.
Case of a y-tuple geoierating line.
18. The multiple generating line meets each of the lines (x = 0, y — 0) and (z= 0, w=0);
and we may take for the equations of the multiple generating line x + y = 0, z + w = 0.
This being so, the foregoing equation of the scroll may be expressed in the form
(+$>> yY{z, z + wf = 0,
( U, V, IF,..) (z, z + wf = 0,
or say