Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

Quartic Scrolls, Article Nos. 36 to 50. 
36. We may consider, first, the quartic scrolls $(1, 1, 4). The section is a quartic 
curve having an a-tuple point and a /3-tuple point, where a + /3 = 4; that is, we have 
a = 2, /9 = 2, a quartic with two nodes (double points), or else a = 3, /3 = 1, a quartic 
with a triple point. But the case a = 2, /3 = 2 gives rise to two species: viz., in general 
the quartic has only the tw T o double points, and we have then a scroll with two nodal 
(2-tuple) directrix lines, and without any nodal generator; the section may however 
have a third double point, and the scroll has then a nodal (double) generator. For 
the case a = 3, /9 = 1, the section admits of no further singularity, and we have a 
quartic scroll with a triple directrix line and a single directrix line. 
37. Next for the quartic scroll $(1, 1,4). The section is here a quartic curve with 
an a. (+ /3) tuple point, where a +/3 = 4; that is, cl —2, ¡3 = 2, or else a=3, /3 = 1. In 
the former case the section has a 2 (+ 2) tuple point, that is, a double point where 
the two branches have a common tangent—otherwise, two coincident double points: say 
the curve has a tacnode; the line of approach is the tangent at the tacnode. We 
have here a scroll with a twofold double line; there are however two cases: viz., in 
general the section has, besides the tacnode, no other double point ; that is, the scroll 
has no nodal generator: the section may however have a third double point, and the 
scroll has then a nodal (double) generator. In the case a — 3, /9 = 1 the section has 
a triple point, and the line of approach is the tangent at one of the branches at the 
triple point; the scroll has a twofold, say a 3 (+ 1) tuple directrix line: as the section 
admits of no further singularity, this is the only case. The foregoing enumeration 
gives three species of quartic scrolls /9(1, 1, 4), and three species of quartic scrolls 
S (1, 1, 4), together six species, viz. these are as follows : 
Quartic Scroll, First Species, S (1 2 , 1 2 , 4), with two double directrix lines, 
and without a nodal generator. 
38. Taking (x — 0, y = 0) and (z = 0, w — 0) for the equations of the two directrix 
lines respectively, the equation of the scroll is 
(*$#, y?{z, w) 2 = 0. 
Quartic Scroll, Second Species, S' (1 2 , 1 2 , 4), with two double directrix lines 
and with a double generator. 
39. This is in fact a specialized form of the first species, the difference being that 
there is a nodal (double) generator. Supposing as before that the equations of the 
directrix lines are {x = 0, y — 0) and (z = 0, w = 0) respectively ; let the equations of the 
nodal generator be (x + y = 0, z + w — 0) ; then, observing that for the first species the 
equation may be written (*\x, y) 2 (z, z + w) 2 = 0, it is clear that if the terms in z 2 and 
z(z + w) are divisible by (x + y) 2 and (x + y) respectively, the surface will have as a new

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