Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

13. We have (see post, Article Nos. 36 to 40) 
Jac. (U, 3>, if) = -(3.V)tf; 
and introducing also 3. Vif in place of 3 V if by means of the formula 
3Vif = 3(Vif)- (3.V)if, 
the condition becomes 
| 51 m 2 —l$8m + i83 _ (0 v ) # 
+ (- 90m + 162) m (V if) +120 (m - 2) HdH V if 
+ * (9if 2 3il - 45ifil3if + 40^3if) = 0, 
or, as this may be written, 
(45m 2 - 180m + 171) if 2 (3.V) H 
+ (- 90m + 162) (m - 2) if 2 3( V if) + 120 (m - 2) 2 if3iiV if 
+ (m - 2) * (9if 2 3-Q - 45ifH3if + 40^3if) = 0. 
Article Nos. 14 to 17.—Third transformation. 
14. We have the following formulae, 
A Jac. (U, Vif, if) -(5m-ll)3//Vif+(3m-6)if3(Vif) =0, (J) 
A Jac. (U, V, if) if — (2m — 4)3ifVH + (3m-6)H (3.V)if=0, (J) 
in the latter of which, treating V as a function of the coordinates, we first form the 
symbol Jac. (U, V, if), and then operating therewith on H, we have Jac. (U, V, if) if; 
these give 
m < v ^ dHyI! ~ 3(^--2)< P - 
H(d.V)H= (i/, V , 
and substituting these values, the resulting coefficient of if3ifV if is 
(45m 2 — 180m + 171) § 
+ (- 90m+162) 5m ~ 11 
which is = 0. 
+ 120 (m - 2) 2 ,

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