which is an equation of the order 2 (n — 1) as regards k, and of the same order as
regards the coefficients of U and V conjointly. And to each of the 2 (n — 1) values
of k there corresponds a point (x, y) satisfying the required conditions; that is, a
point which is a twofold point of the range U + k V = 0. The points in question may
be termed the ‘ critic centres ’ of the involution.
3. The elimination of k from the before-mentioned two equations gives
B X U, SyU = 0,
B x v, ByV
where the determinant, which for shortness I call J, is the Jacobian of the two
functions U, V. The equation J= 0 gives a range of 2 (n — 1) points which are in
fact the critic centres; and for each of these points we have
B X U : B X V —B y TJ : S y V=-k : 1,
which gives the value of k corresponding to the point in question.
4. The condition in order that the equation in k may have a twofold root is
Disc*. Disc 1 . (U+kV) = 0,
or say
□ =0,
where Disc 1 . Disc 1 . (U + kV), = □, is a function of the degree 2 (2n — 2) (2n — 3) in
regard to the coefficients of U, V conjointly; but it is separately homogeneous, and
therefore of the degree (2n — 2) (2n — 3) in regard to each of the two sets of coefficients.
o. To each point of the range J— 0, there corresponds a value of k ; hence if
the range J have a twofold point, then the equation in k will have a twofold root.
Now first if the ranges U = 0, V — 0 have a common point, then this is a twofold
point of the range V= 0. But secondly, without a common point in the ranges
U = 0, V — 0, the range J = 0 may have a twofold point ; and in this case also we
have a twofold root of the equation in k. And thirdly, without a twofold point in
the range V = 0, there may be in this range two onefold points giving each of them
the same value of k, and so giving a twofold root of the equation in k. And the
three suppositions correspond respectively to the cases of there being a range U+kV = 0
having a twofold point at a common point of the ranges U = 0, V— 0, having a
threefold point, and having a pair of twofold points.