Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

10. It may be proper to remark conversely that given the equation Q = 0, if 
in this equation we write a = (a + ka') — ka', ... so that Q becomes a function of 
a + ka, ... a', ... k, then the equation Q = 0 will be satisfied irrespectively of the values 
of a',... k by a plexus of equations involving only the coefficients a 4- ka', ... and which 
is in fact the very plexus (equivalent therefore to two relations) which gives the 
conditions in order that the equation W — 0 may have a threefold root. 
11. Thirdly, suppose that the functions U, V are such that there exists a range 
U+kV=0 having a pair of twofold points. If Aq be the proper value of k, then we 
have U +k l V=(x — ay) 2 (x — /3y) 2 ©, and therefore U= — k 1 V + (x — ay) 2 (x — ¡3y) 2 ©. Hence 
forming the Jacobian of U, V, we have for the determination of the critic centres the 
j KV, 8 x .(x-ay) 2 (x-ßy) 2 & 
! 8 y V, 8 y . (x - ay) 2 (x - ßyf © 
= 0, 
which is of the form 
(x — ay) (x — ßy) il = 0 ; 
or, we have x — ay = 0, or x — /3y = 0, a pair of critic centres; and for each of these 
the corresponding value of Aq given by the equation —k : 1 = 8 X U : 8 X V is k = k lt so 
that k = k x is a twofold root of the equation in k. 
12. By the like considerations as for the threefold root (observing that if the 
equation W = 0 has a pair of twofold roots we must have between the coefficients of 
W a plexus equivalent to two relations, and of the order 2 (n — 2) (n — 3)), we see 
that the condition for the existence of a range U + kV= 0 having a pair of twofold 
points is of the form P = 0, where P is a function of the degree 2 (n — 2) (n — 3) as 
regards the coefficients of U, and of the same degree as regards the coefficients of V; 
and conversely that, given the equation P — 0, we may find the plexus. 
13. The equation □ = 0 will be satisfied if R = 0, or if Q = 0, or if P = 0; and 
in no other cases. To prove this, suppose that x — ay =0 is the critic centre corre 
sponding to a twofold root Av of the equation in k. We have U= — k x V+(x — ay) 2 ®, 
and thence the equation for the critic centres is 
8 X V, 8 x (x-ay) 2 <d 
8 y V, 8 y (x — ay) 2 © 
= 0, 
which is an equation of the form (x - ay) 0 = 0; and where, corresponding to the 
root x — ay = 0, the equation — k : \ —8 X U : 8 X V gives k = k lt Since k 1 is a twofold 
root, there must be another critic centre also giving the value Aq of k. This new 
critic centre may be either x — ay= 0 (the same as the first mentioned critic centre) 
or it may be a distinct critic centre x — ¡3y = 0. In the former case 
8 X V, 8 X (x — ay) 2 © I 
ByV, 8 y (x - ay) 2 © 

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