Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

Memoir on Involution, viz. the critic centres corresponding to the satellite lines through 
the point 
(-4, 1, 1) or (2, -J, -!) 
lie one of them on the line y + z — 0, and the other two on the conic x (x + y + z) — \yz — 0 ; 
reducing by the condition x+y+z= 1, these equations become respectively x=l, and 
(y + i)(* + i)-&=0. 
66. The foregoing positions of the satellite line, and the critic centres, as exhibited 
in the figure, were selected partly for facility of delineation; I wished however to 
examine the effect of the passage of the satellite line through a node of the envelope; 
and it appears that such passage does not give rise to any marked peculiarity in 
regard to the critic centres. The - selected positions are sufficient to indicate the 
circumstances of the critic centres as the satellite line passes from the position A at 
infinity continuously to the position A' at infinity; in particular we see that as the 
line passes from A to G, or from C’ to A', there are three real centres; but that as 
the line passes from G to G' there is only one real centre. 
67. The case of the satellite line parallel to the asymptote x — 0, is included (as 
already mentioned) as a limiting case in the foregoing one; the harmonic conic is 
here the pair of lines x (y — z) = 0; and we have two critic centres on the line 
y — z= 0, (the perpendicular), and the third (not properly a critic centre) at infinity on 
the asymptote x = 0; in fact, starting with a critic centre on the line y — z — 0, the 
polar of the centre in regard to the twofold centre conic or circle is a line parallel 
to the asymptote x — 0, and which therefore meets the harmonic conic x {y — z) = 0 in 
a second centre on the line y — z= 0, and in the point at infinity on the line x — 0. 
But the analytical theory of the case is peculiar and may be specially considered. 
68. Writing y = v, the equation of the satellite line is Xx + y (y + z) = 0, or 
putting x+y+z= 0 this is x — ——The equation in 9 (see Memoir on Involution, 
y — A 
No. 20) becomes 
(9 + y) {9°- — 9y — 2Xy) = 0; 
or, disregarding the factor 9 + y = 0, which corresponds to the centre at infinity, the 
equation is 
9 2 — 9y — 2 \y = 0, 
which is a quadratic equation, giving therefore two values of 9, and the corresponding 
critic centres lie on the perpendicular y — z = 0, the x coordinate being given by the 
1 / 1 2 \ 
9 + \ ' \6 + \ + 9 + y) 
9 + X 
Q — 2 0 ■=" (0 + ^)- 
We have therefore conversely

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