Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

Cambridge, January 21, 1865. 
472 note on lobatschewsky’s imaginary geometry. [362 
which equations (if only we write therein \tt — a', ^7r—b', \ir — c' in place of a, b', c' 
respectively) are in fact the equations given under a less symmetrical form in the 
curious paper “ Géométrie Imaginaire ” by N. Lobatschewsky, Rector of the University 
of Kasan, Crelle, vol. xvn. (1837), pp. 295—320. The view taken of them by the 
author is hard to be understood. He mentions that in a paper published five years 
previously in a scientific journal at Kasan, after developing a new theory of parallels, 
he had endeavoured to prove that it is only experience which obliges us to assume 
that in a rectilinear triangle the sum of the angles is equal to two right angles, and 
that a geometry may exist, if not in nature at least in analysis, on the hypothesis 
that the sum of the angles is less than two right angles ; and he accordingly attempts 
to establish such a geometry, viz. a, b, c being the sides of a rectilinear triangle, 
wherein the sum of the angles A + B + G is < 7r, and the angles a, b', c' being 
calculated from the sides by the formulae 
, 1 //I '1 
cos a = ., cos b = ——, cos c = . 
cos ai cos bi cos ci 
(I have, as mentioned above, replaced Lobatschewsky’s a', b', c' by their complements) : 
the relation between the angles A, B, G and the subsidiary quantities a', b', c' which 
replace the sides, is given by the formulæ 
cos A + cos B cos C 
cos a' 
sin B sin G 
cos B 4- cos C cos A 
cos b' 
sin G sin A 
cos G + cos A cos B 
cos c 
sin A sin B 
I do not understand this; but it would be very interesting to find a real geometrical 
interpretation of the last-mentioned system of equations, which (if only A, B, C are 
positive real quantities such that A+B+C<7r-, for the condition, A, B, G each < £77-, 
may be omitted) contains only the real quantities A, B, G, a', b', c'; and is a system 
correlative to the equations of ordinary Spherical Trigonometry. 
It is hardly necessary to remark that the equation 
> = cos ai 
cos a 
is Jacobi’s imaginary transformation in the Theory of Elliptic Functions. See, as to 
this, my paper “On the Transcendent gd. u = \ log tan + \ui),” Phil. Mag. vol. xxiv. 
(1862), pp. 19—22, [320].

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