Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

The formula in this form will be convenient in the sequel; but there is no real loss 
of generality in taking the equation of the absolute to be x 2 + if- + z 2 = 0; the values 
of {A, B, G, F, G, H) are then (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), and the formula becomes 
X, 7, Z =0; 
X, y, z 
L, M, N 
where it will be remembered that (L, M, N) denote the derived functions (d x U, d v TJ, d z U). 
The evolute is therefore the envelope of the line represented by the foregoing 
equation, say the equation fl = 0, considering therein (x, y, z) as variable parameters 
connected by the equation U — 0. 
As an example, let it be required to find the evolute of a conic; since the axes 
are arbitrary, we may without loss of generality assume that the equation of the 
conic is xz-y 2 = 0. The values of (A, M, N) here are (z, —2y, x). Moreover the 
equation is satisfied by writing therein x : y : z — 1 : 6 : 6' 2 ; the values of (A, M, N) 
then become (6 2 , — 26, 1) and the equation is 
= 0; 
or, developing, this is 
H6+ + 2B6 3 - F6 2 
+ Yf A6 2 -2H6 3 + G6 2 
H&-2B6 + F' 
- A6 3 + 2H6' 2 - G6 
= 0, 
which I leave in this form in order to show the origin of the different terms, and in 
particular in order to exhibit the destruction of the term 6 2 in the coefficient of Y. 
But the equation is, it will be observed, a quartic equation in 6, with coefficients 
which are linear functions of the current coordinates (X, F, Z). 
The equation shows at once that the evolute is of the class 4 ; in fact treating 
the coordinates (X, Y, Z) as given quantities, we have for the determination of 6 an 
equation of the order 4, that is, the number of normals through a given point (X, Y, Z), 
or, what is the same thing, the class of the evolute, is = 4. 
The equation of the evolute is obtained by equating to zero the discriminant of 
the foregoing quartic function of 6; the order of the evolute is thus = 6. There are 
no inflexions, and the diminution of the order from 4.3, = 12, to 6 is caused by 
three double tangents.

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