Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

But the equations of the tangent line being ut supra 
at 3 + 3 bt 2 + d = 0, 
Sat 4 + 8 bt 3 — e = 0, 
we have thus 
a = 1, 
b = n 2 t, 
d = (— 1 — 3ftj) ¿ 3 , 
e = ( 3 + 8nj) t 4 , 
b — n. 2 t, 
d — (— 1 — 3n 2 ) £ 3 , 
e = ( 3 + 8% 2 ) i 4 , 
as the coordinates of the required points, viz. the tangent line meets the Prohessian, 
in the point on the cuspidal edge considered as 6 points, in two points on the nodal 
curve and in the last-mentioned 2 points ; 64-2 + 2 = 10 the order of the Prohessian. 
The foregoing equations give 
ae — 6bd = 18w 1 2 + 14/q + 3 = 0, 
(in virtue of lSwd + 14n 2 + 3 = 0), 
so that the two points in question are the intersections of the tangent line with the 
surface ae — 6bd = 0. 
If we consider the intersection of this surface with the torse 
(ae — 4bd) 3 — 27 (— ad 2 — b 2 ef = 0, 
the equation ae — 6bd = 0, gives 
(ae — 4bd) 3 = (2bd) 3 = 8b 2 d 2 bd = £ aelrd?, 
and thence 
4 alrdre — 81 (ad 2 + b 2 ef = 0 ; 
that is 
81 a 2 d* — 158 a¥d 2 e + 815 4 e' 2 = 0, 
an equation which should agree with 
We =&( 144^-23). 
In fact writing 
* = ^(144*1,-23), 
the equation 18/q 2 + 14^+3 = 0 is (18?q + 7) 2 + 5 = 0 ; that is, (144 n x + 56) 2 + 320 = 0, 
but 144 rq + 56 = 81a? +79, or the equation becomes (81a? + 79) 2 + 320 = 0, that is 
SI 2 « 2 + 81.158« + 81 2 = 0, or 81a? + 158 x + 81 = 0, 
which is right.

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