Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

The like property exists for curves in space—viz. taking account as above of the 
new singularity of the stationary lines, then we have 
| (m — 1) (m — 2) — h — /3, 
= ^ (r — 1) (r — 2)—y—n —% 
= | (r — 1) (r — 2) — x — m — S-, 
= 2 (n-l)(n -2)-g-a, 
which equations are in fact at once deducible from the above-mentioned system of 
six equations between the quantities m, r, n, <x, ¡3, g, h, x, y, and may if we please 
be taken for equations of the system. 
If from a given curve and torse we derive a second curve and torse, in such 
manner that to each point (or plane) of the first figure there corresponds a single plane 
(or point) of the second figure—then the corresponding expressions l)(m'— 2)—li'—¡3', 
&c., have the same value for the second as for the first figure. 
Cambridge, April 11, 1865.

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